Buzz Your Biz with a Book

Many business owners, entrepreneurs, ideas people, creatives, health practitioners and opinion formers publish their own books. Why? Because it’s the first step to demonstrating their business expertise, enhancing their reputations, creating buzz and getting their ideas ‘out there’ and turning these into profit. Many of these same business owners, entrepreneurs, ideas people, creatives, health practitioners and opinion formers turn to a ghostwriter to help them craft their manuscript into a finely tuned book aimed at their niche market.

A book can help to generate substantial revenue in all sorts of ways. Being an author can establish you as an ‘expert’ in your field and can introduce you to all sorts of business opportunities including:

·       New clients

·       Additional work from existing clients

·       Consulting work

·       Coaching or mentoring programmes

·       Public speaking opportunities

·       Invitations to lead paying workshops or seminars

·       Webinar guest opportunities

·       College or university teaching engagements

·       Corporate spokesperson gigs

·       Website sponsors or advertisers

·       Paid blogging invitations

·       Expert witness requests

These same authors use ghosts because:

-        They may not believe they have the skills to write their book themselves.

-        They don’t have the time to write it themselves.

-        They are too close to the subject matter and need to step away, simplify and gain a wider   perspective of their field.

-        If they are independently publishing they need and want a guide to help them understand the publishing process.

-        Their publisher (if they have one) needs to know the project is being managed by a professional writer, making it less risk averse.

-        Their agent (if they have one) needs to see that an author’s project can become a reality.

As the author, you need to leverage your book … talk about it, sell it, give it away … anything to get your message heard and establish yourself as a credible expert. The sales of your book alone will not generate huge amounts of revenue, it’s the opportunities that arise from publishing the book that will. 

Wordshaker would be pleased to ghostwrite your book. We might not have the same knowledge about your business as you, the ‘expert in your field’, but we have the same level of knowledge as the average reader and will know what questions to ask and predict when arguments and explanations have become too complex and need to be simplified and illustrated. Ultimately, we can help turn you, the expert, into a great teacher by being the one who translates the knowledge in the expert’s head into a language that others with none of that knowledge will be able to understand.

If you would like to discuss your writing project with us and turn your ideas into a great book that sings to your market niche, then please click the link below.